

Students create an entry in the Fremont Wiki - http://localwiki.net/fremont. Students incorporate information literacy concepts, have hands-on experience conducting research, and create actual content on the Internet [while also learning how easy it is for anyone to change that content]. It could also be a great chance to get students into local museums and archives.

Teaching Resource

A list of organizations, journals, and programs that offer support related to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in a particular discipline from Illinois State University.

Teaching Resource

The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities.

Teaching Resource

An alphabetic, annotated list of undergraduate research journals that may provide the opportunity for students to use the work of peers and to submit their own work as part of their research programs.


Students interview their professor(s) and ask them to describe how they do research, how research gets disseminated in their discipline, etc. Each student can ask one question below. This assignment can be useful as a “first day of class” activity for a First Year Seminar. Novice researchers are introduced to scholarly discourse and discipline-specific approaches to producing knowledge by experts.

Teaching Resource

Information literacy resources for curriculum development are browsable by discipline, goal, and/or level.

Teaching Resource

Since 2013, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) Instruction Showcase has offered academic librarians from Illinois the opportunity to share tips, tricks

Teaching Resource


This assignment asks students to compare the dramatization of a historical event to the historical writing about the same event.

Teaching Resource

TeachArchives.org is an innovative resource for teachers, administrators, librarians, archivists, and museum educators.
