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Log in and user Account
- Who is CORA's target audience?
- What are the criteria to become a CORA contributor/user?
- How do I create a user account?
- How do I reset my password if I forgot it?
- How do I change my password?
- How do I delete my account?
- What is CORA's privacy policy?
- What is CORA's acceptable use policy?
Profile Page
Adding Assignments
- What are the benefits of sharing my assignments?
- How can I add my assignment to CORA?
- What are the file size limits?
- What file types are allowed?
- How do I update an assignment?
- How do I copy/paste text from a Word document into CORA?
- Which Creative Commons Licenses does CORA use?
Using assignments
- Do I need to be a contributor/have a user account to use CORA assignments?
- How do I cite/give credit when I use a CORA assignment?
- How do I use the "I Adapted This" feature?
- What can I do with the assignments in CORA?
- How do I add a comment to an assignment in CORA?
- What is CORA's acceptable use policy?
- Which Creative Commons Licenses does CORA use?
Information Literacy Concepts
"How To" resources for Assignment Design
- How to create a rubric
- How to map the curriculum
- Methods for creating or measuring learning outcomes
- Tips for engaging students in information literacy or research assignments
- Assignment design worksheet
what are the user features of the CORA site?
- 1714 reads