This book is intended to help widen and deepen the conversations between librarians and compositionists. How can we further build and strengthen teaching partnerships that invite students to engage in writing and information seeking and use as processes of inquiry, critical reflection, and meaning making? And what sometimes stands in the way of doing so? Written for both librarians and writing instructors, this publication considers these questions from multiple angles, including an explorations of:
- empirical research on student writing and information literacy development;
- intersections between and pedagogical implications of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education and the WPA Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing;
- interviews with librarian-compositionists partners about their collaborative experiences;
- historical, social, cultural, and structural contexts that influence librarians and writing instructors’ work environments and cultures, and ultimately the potential for partnership;
- the power of reflective pedagogical praxis
Resource Type:
- 111 reads