

This activity proceeds via Socratic questioning. The goal is to have students explain the common stumbling blocks they encounter as they look for information and as they write papers (if they have). The role of the librarian is to facilitate the discussion by providing a contextual framework for student experiences. By showing students that their research process follows a common pattern, they can make better choices about how, when, and where to look for information (e.g., not jumping straight to peer-reviewed articles when they can barely define their topic)


Students pick a topic related to Communication Studies (or another social science discipline) and then define the topic operationally by finding a way to measure it. They test out their instrument on a partner.

Teaching Resource

The RADAR Challenge is an online game developed by the librarians at Loyola Marymount University. The game is designed to be played in teams during a class or library session.

Teaching Resource

Explains the foundation for using VALUE rubrics to assess student authentic work, how to create protocols and parameters for a scale-able VALUE assessment, and how to report the results of using a VALUE rubric.

Teaching Resource
