Undergraduate / Bachelors


For this project you will be creating a digital resource that can be used to help teach about the Southern California Library’s mission and materials, how to work with archival materials, and, in general, how to work with and research primary sources.  


This assignment introduces students to United States patents and to prior art searching using two free, online databases: Espacenet and Lens.org. Instructional videos are available at: http://guides.lib.campbell.edu/patents


This syllabus is a sample for an online literature course. I created this sample around Victorian studies, but any literature subject is applicable. I've provided examples of online projects. The goal of a syllabus like this one is to introduce students to literature, making online objects, and utilizing open resources effectively.

Below is a link to a sample learning object:



This syllabus is a sample for an online literature course. I created this sample around Victorian studies, but any literature subject is applicable. I've provided examples of online projects. The goal of a syllabus like this one is to introduce students to literature, making online objects, and utilizing open resources effectively.

Below is a link to a sample learning object:



Quiz your students on library terminology and concepts using this Library Jeopardy! template. This activity can be done for in-person library instruction sessions, or via Zoom/live virtual instruction sessions.


The Penn State Berks Privacy Workshop Series focuses on privacy issues for students in the past, present, and future.  The Privacy Workshop spotlights privacy practices and concerns in the current moment; Digital Leadership explores future implications of past and current digital behaviors; 


The Penn State Berks Privacy Workshop Series focuses on privacy issues for students in the past, present, and future.  The Privacy Workshop spotlights privacy practices and concerns in the current moment; Digital Leadership explores future implications of past and current digital behaviors; Digital Shred provides tools to evaluate and


Using three example excerpts on citation practice and the experiences of specific scholars, attendees will interrogate and discuss how whiteness and other oppressions impact citation practice using a series of questions. 


The Densho website provides first-hand accounts and other resources that document the experience of Japanese American incarceration in World War II. This activity guides students through the Densho Encyclopedia to find historical and cultural information related to themes from Jamie Ford's Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.


This workshop introduces zines to a First Year Women's and Gender Studies class including what they are, general history and culture in the United States, and the process of making zines. This workshop supported a class assignment where students make zines featuring class readings and a reflective essay including original creative works. In the sessions, students recieve "handout" zines for note-taking and reflective work, a short lecture on zines, and work with databases to find pieces for their zine topics or ideas.
