
Library Jeopardy! Template

Submitted by Zoeanna Mayhook on April 21st, 2020
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Short Description: 

Quiz your students on library terminology and concepts using this Library Jeopardy! template. This activity can be done for in-person library instruction sessions, or via Zoom/live virtual instruction sessions.

Library Jeopardy.pptxdisplayed 1275 times1.78 MB
Learning Outcomes: 

Students will be able to review library terminology and quiz their knowledge.



Information Literacy concepts:

Individual or Group:

Course Context (e.g. how it was implemented or integrated): 

Jeopardy board options are hyperlinked to different question slides. Participants can break up into teams, or be quizzed invidually. Instructors can use buzzers, or students can raise their hand or type their responses into a chat box (during virtual sessions).

Suggested Citation: 
Mayhook, Zoeanna. "Library Jeopardy! Template ." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2020.