

In small groups students give a presentation examining how the popular media reports scientific findings.

Teaching Resource

MIT OpenCourseWare is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. 

Teaching Resource

Syllabi from scholars on a variety of courses that address topics that pertain to Governing America in a Global Era.


As people rely more and more on social media to get their news, the filter bubble becomes increasingly problematic. In this workshop, students learn how to evaluate whether a news site is reliable. This group activity takes about 30 minutes and can be used for many different audiences by adjusting the examples used.

Teaching Resource

S.O.S. for Information Literacy is a dynamic web-based multimedia resource for educators that promises to make a significant contribution to enhancing the teaching of information literacy skills to students in K-16.

Teaching Resource

The Information Literacy in the Disciplines site is published by the Instruction Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries.

Teaching Resource

ABLConnect is an online database of active learning efforts in post-secondary classrooms. It caters to faculty, graduate student teaching assistants, post-doctoral students and anybody else teaching undergraduate, graduate, or professional student


Entering students all take MGT101 – Business Management Practice. Creation of a business plan for a unique product or service is the major project for this course. This Library assignment uses a workshop format to give student groups in Management 101 the task of exploring, evaluating, and reviewing a particular resource important in the business plan research process.


This annotated bibliography assignment has five different versions for five different groups of disciplines: arts, humanities, social analysis (social sciences), life and physical sciences, and quantitative reasoning. Each is meant to give students a way to identify and explore the key types of scholarly sources in those disciplinary categories; for example, to understand what is meant by a primary source in each category.

Teaching Resource

A list of organizations, journals, and programs that offer support related to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in a particular discipline from Illinois State University.
