Library and Information Science


In this scenario based activity, students are asked to help 4 of their classmates evaluate 3 sources they are considering using for their paper. Students can read the entirety of each source, then write a 2 to 3 sentence explanation of why their classmate should or shouldn’t use the source and why. Based on the concept of Calibrated Peer Review, there is one exemplar source, one substandard source and one bubble source.


Intended to provide a brief introduction to academic research. A video explains types of sources, a screencast tutorial demonstrates how to search Academic Search Complete, and students have the opportunity to practice search for an article related to their topic.


In this scenario based activity, students are asked to help 3 of their classmates narrow down their topics. By moving a series of sliders, students aim to develop a research question that is interesting, yet narrow enough to find scholarly sources.


Students are asked to help 3 of their classmates choose the best Boolean search commands for their searches. Venn Diagrams change color and the search statement is dynamically updated as students select the Boolean commands. Constructive feedback is given for each submission and students have an opportunity to construct their own search statement at the end of the tutorial.


Students are asked to identify necessary citation information, place the information in the correct citation order and then identify the source type. Students are first given a set of sources for practice that are not graded. The second series of sources is graded.


In this activity, students are asked to identify necessary citation information, place the information in the correct citation order and then identify the source type. To begin, the student is shown four sources on the topic of Mars exploration, these questions are for practice and are not graded. The second set of four sources on the topic of refugees is graded. (This module was partially adapted with permission from Grand Valley State University Libraries.)


Do students eyes glaze over when you begin to talk about citation formats? Show students the value of learning about citations by having them practice on real content! Students must identify the needed parts of 3 real publications and drag them to the appropriate category, i.e. Journal Title, Volume, Page Number. Upon completion of the activity, students are show the MLA citation for each publication.


Embedded library modules in online, stand-alone website used by second semester English Composition classes for freshman level students.  This set of modules is co-authored with Mario Leyva, Assistant Director, Instruction and User Services at Our Lady of the Lake University, and Forrest Davidson. All coursework and assignments are available for download; quizzes available upon request.

Teaching Resource

K-12 digital media resource from Canada featuring classroom lesson plans, with work sheets, backgrounders, tip sheets and essays, and multimedia games and quizzes.


We use Google every day, but we do really understand why we get certain results? This event will explain what an algorithm is, how search engines use them, and how bias exists in our search results. Attendees will have a chance to reflect on the ways biased results can echo larger biases for representation in society.  Access this site at your convenience at:

Co-creators: Malia Willey and Alyssa Young.
