

In this activity, students review correct in-text citations for a particular format, then practice writing their own examples. These examples are submitted anonymously via a google form, allowing for the collective and collaborative review.


The following are a series of scaffolded assignments that led to the creation of “Labyrinths of Times,” an online digital project: Aspects of it, including the scaffolded approach, are helpful for teaching students how to write for the web.


This assignment uses Palladio to create a network based on Italio Calvino's Invisible Cities.


An introduction to Voyant text analysis tool.


This worksheet asks students to reflect on the type of primary law relevant to their legal research topic, as well as ask them to consider the levels of government, possible keywords, and preferred time period (current versus historical).


In this activity, students learn how to locate and select appropriate primary sources for their assignment using library guides (libguides) and the library databases list. Students then analyze an example primary source to improve their primary sources literacy.


Student select a company and complete very simple analysis of income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements


Each year, I host an Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon and I often get students who are new to Wikipedia editing, as well as students who show up for class credit. To help engage students in different activities on Wikipedia, I created the following BINGO cards. These can be used by instructors or event organizers in any way that fits your approach to edit-a-thons. I always provide instruction and an Art+Feminism research and event guide to help everyone get started editing. These BINGO cards are especially useful for new editors and content creators.


Students self-reflect on ways in which they do research and create knowledge. This is a discussion topic in an online library research class. My students are mostly adult learners with full-time jobs.


This assignment was created for a credit bearing course for first year students. It's designed to help students take what they've learned about algorithmic bias from the course lectures and readings and apply it to their own search practices. They also critically analyze search results for advertisements and compare DuckDuckGo to Google.
