Subject guides compiled by ACRL's Education & Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS).
This website provides several subject-specific guides to ICT literacy resources (bibliographies, websites, articles, learning activity ideas) to help faculty incorporate ICT literacy into their cur
A list of organizations, journals, and programs that offer support related to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in a particular discipline from Illinois State University. is an innovative resource for teachers, administrators, librarians, archivists, and museum educators.
Article by Renee Hobbs and Sandra McGee that traces the origins of teaching and learning about propaganda, examining some instructional materials produced in the 1930s by the Institute for Propagan
The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities.
Annotated bibliography with themes that include embedded librarianship, nurse educator/librarian collaboration, adaptability and flexibility with new and emerging technologies, and collaboration wi
This title is a collection designed by instruction librarians to promote critical thinking and engaged learning.
Collection of syllabi published on the American Anthropological Association site.