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Assignments Contributed

Each year, I host an Art+Feminism Wikipedia edit-a-thon and I often get students who are new to Wikipedia editing, as well as students who show up for class credit. To help engage students in different activities on Wikipedia, I created the following BINGO cards. These can be used by instructors or event organizers in any way that fits your approach to edit-a-thons. I always provide instruction and an Art+Feminism research and event guide to help everyone get started editing. These BINGO cards are especially useful for new editors and content creators.

Art and design students are almost always asked to write about their work, in the form of an artists’ statement, at some point in their academic career. This is a skill that is crucial as they move from student to professional or practicing artist because it gives them the opportunity to reflect on their work, share concepts and develop their authority in their field, and, very importantly, discuss how their work builds on the work of others who share similar themes and/or processes.

This lesson was developed for HIS484 (Topics in the History of Gender and
Sexuality/Pride in the time of HIV/AIDS) in the Spring of 2018. The students’ final assignment
culminated in a multimedia or digital research project on a topic of their choosing and heavily
relied on primary source and visual materials. This lesson focuses on how students, as content
curators and analysts, can engage in deeper analysis and contextualization of the sources they
present through their projects. Students collectively analyzed one example from a particular

This lesson was developed for a Photography course on the theory and psychology of photography (non-majors and majors both take this course). This lesson is typically presented at the beginning of a course section on the aesthetics of photography. It was meant to challenge their assumptions about art, information (online) as a commodity, and copyright practices of artists. Students may be asked to look up Richard Prince before class or during, as the lesson suggests.

Assignments Adapted

I tweaked the rubric so each item is evaluated individually, so the student may get a total of 6 points. I added a worksheet for students to write three questions they have about their topic, which are then evaluated by a peer (using the rubric). Students are asked to rewrite at least one of the questions based on the feedback and evaluation of their questions.

Contributor Stats

Wikipedia Edit-a-thon BINGO
Total views Adapters Count Comment count Document Downloads
591 1
Artist Statements: Context, Content & Conversations
Total views Adapters Count Comment count Document Downloads
495 0
Visual Aids and Descriptors in Primary Source Evaluation & Curation
Total views Adapters Count Comment count Document Downloads
414 0
Richard Prince, Aesthetics, and the Value of Information
Total views Adapters Count Comment count Document Downloads
335 0