
Citation Mapping for Religious Studies

Submitted by Desirae Zingarelli-Sweet on August 11th, 2015
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Short Description: 

This assignment asks students to map scholarly citations in order to illustrate the concept that scholarship is a conversation. Secondarily, the activity is meant to demonstrate the constructed and contextual nature of authority in academic discourse. It can be used to help students build up to completing an annotated bibliography, research paper, or presentation that requires scholarly sources.

Created in Microsoft Powerpoint (using shapes)displayed 1798 times242 KB
Citation Mapping for Religious Studies Assignment_DZ_updated-2016-06.docxdisplayed 1441 times26 KB
Learning Outcomes: 

• Identify citations within a given book or article and look them up using Google Scholar. • Find newer works that cite a given article or book using Google Scholar. • Identify connections between scholarly books/articles by comparing their citations. • Recognize standard elements of Chicago style citations.

Individual or Group:

Suggested Citation: 
Zingarelli-Sweet, Desirae. "Citation Mapping for Religious Studies." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2015.