
Teaching Resource

Explores issues of the theory and practice of inclusive and reflective teaching in order to broaden students' understanding of power structures within the education system and in society.

Teaching Resource

The Information Literacy Assignment Bank is designed to support collaboration between librarians and faculty at College of the Holy Cross by providing a framework and a repository of concrete, but flexible, examples of the ways that information li


This lesson introduces undergraduates to personal digital archiving (PDA) as an instructional bridge to research data management.

PDA is the study of how people organize, maintain, use and share personal digital information in their daily lives. PDA skills closely parallel research data management skills, with the added benefit of being directly relevant to undergraduate students, most of whom manage complex personal digital content on a daily basis.

Teaching Resource

"Common Ground at the Nexus of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication" presents concepts, experiments, collaborations, and strategies at the crossroads of the fields of scholarly communication and information literacy.

Teaching Resource

The New Literacies Alliance is a consortial curricular project led by librarians from K-State and KUMC. Its purpose is to address the new literacies required for academic success and lifelong learning in a cutting edge online learning platform tha


A two-credit online graduate information literacy course.


This group activity can be used in a variety of disciplines and contexts. Pass the Problem aims to have students provide feedback to other students on database and keyword selection. By having students critique each other it works to build critical self-reflection during the research process (it's also pretty fun!).

Teaching Resource

APA and MLA citation tool from the University of Albany.
