Everyday Data Management
This lesson introduces undergraduates to personal digital archiving (PDA) as an instructional bridge to research data management.
PDA is the study of how people organize, maintain, use and share personal digital information in their daily lives. PDA skills closely parallel research data management skills, with the added benefit of being directly relevant to undergraduate students, most of whom manage complex personal digital content on a daily basis.
By teaching PDA, librarians encourage authentic learning experiences that immediately resonate with students' day-to-day activities. Teaching PDA builds a foundation of knowledge that not only helps students manage their personal digital materials, but can be translated into research data management skills that will enhance students' academic and professional careers.
This lesson was developed by Sara Mannheimer and Ryer Banta and is licensed CC-BY 4.0.
Students will apply file naming conventions, folder structure and other data management standards to their own digital files.
Students will explain the significance and impact of data management, and lack thereof, for personal, school and work digital files.
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
Ability Level:
Initially this was developed for face to face course, but has also been used for online classes.