What Exactly IS that Source You are Quoting From?
This is a 65-minute workshop designed for 1st year composition students who will be using periodical sources in their research. Students will practice writing contextualizing statements, e.g. describing authors, genres, types of periodicals, for a variety of information sources of the type they will be using in their own research projects.
• Identify different types of periodical information sources;
• Describe different periodical information sources;
• Identify relevant author credentials;
• Describe relevant author credentials;
• Compose a valid contextualizing statement describing an information source.
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
Ability Level:
When deciding on the link to use to the various periodical sources, it is a good idea to provide variety, e.g. EBSCO, Proquest, Sage. The first challenge for students will be to identify the title of the periodical source itself.