Pharmacy: Aspects of Patient Care Literature Searching
The first in a series of six courses, students focus on the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Plan involving prescription medications, patient history and more complex patient cases with an emphasis on culture humility. This one-shot is intended to help solidfy the lessons taught in previous classes I have with the students (such as Boolean and library services) and allow them to explore the needs of searching for traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. This is less about structuring a perfect search and more about reviewing different types of search interfaces and the results within them. While I use Padlet and Kahoot I also print out all questions and prompts to better adhere to universal design standards. Each group is given a prompt based on a plant and information that is taken from the book "Iwigara: American Indian Ethnobotanical Traditions and Science" by Enrique Salmon and they are given a print out of the section their prompt is from. This way they read about the plant's history, medicinal properties, cultural importance, and more before beginning their searches.
Students will feel comfortable with analyzing and evaluating different types of resources, beginning to confront critical issues within research, such as who writes the prevalent narrative and how implicit bias and cultural norms are represented within said research.
Students will understand research as an iterative process, with various search strategies and the need to adapt based on the resource they are using. This will also require understanding how to evaluate the search mechanisms and resources they find.
Students will be able to manage their searches and research.
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
Ability Level: