"Common Ground at the Nexus of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication" presents concepts, experiments, collaborations, and strategies at the crossroads of the fields of scholarly communication and information literacy.
The New Literacies Alliance is a consortial curricular project led by librarians from K-State and KUMC. Its purpose is to address the new literacies required for academic success and lifelong learning in a cutting edge online learning platform tha
Not Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think About Information explores how librarians and faculty work together to teach students about the nature of expertise, authority, and credibility.
Donna Witek blogs about libraries, teaching, technology, academia, home life, working motherhood, gentle parenting, school, and how all these things relate to one another.
The Information Literacy Assessment & Advocacy Project (ILAAP) is an assessment tool designed to investigate the information literacy skills of first and second-year post-secondary students.