50 words thesis
The assignment supports students' ability to explain their research in less than 50 words effectively. Students briefly introduce themselves and their research projects by answering the following questions in the discussion board post:
- Your dissertation committee chair
- The topic of your research. See the topic structure (elements).
- Research Questions. See research question structure
- Research design. See the guide to research design
- Where are you in the dissertation process? See the guide to the Education Dissertation.
- Students are also asked to critique other students' theses.
The objective is for students to summarize their doctoral dissertation research compellingly and develop research communication skills.
This assignment is a part of the course on the literature review design. It prepares students to conduct a literature review that aligns with the research question, topic, and design.
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
Ability Level:
The assignment is the part of the first module of the course, in which students introduce themselves, and their research is the first step in planning a literature review for a research proposal.
Students are asked to post the thesis on the discussion board, and other students are required to answer the questions:
1. What elements of the topic and research question are missing?
2. Would you recommend narrowing the topic?
3. Are research questions and design connected?