How Do I Evaluate Online Information by Reading Laterally?
Short Description:
Developed in order to move students away from an outdated checklist approach to evaluating online content, we developed this tutorial to teach students how to read laterally and think critically. This tutorial consists of several small chunks of microlearning activities including an assignment. Students can complete as much or as little as they feel they need.
Relevant links:
How Do I Evaluate Online Information Learning Outcomes:
- Students will explain why online information needs to be evaluated for trustworthiness
- Students will describe the strategy of lateral reading that fact checkers employ to verify trustworthiness
- Students will describe the criteria of process, expertise, and aim
- Students will apply the skill of lateral reading related to societal and political issues
- Students will evaluate different online articles for trustworthiness using the three criteria of process, expertise, and aim
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
Ability Level:
Course Context (e.g. how it was implemented or integrated):
This tutorial and optional assignment can serve as a stand alone tutorial or can be used in the flipped classroom.
Suggested Citation:
Mery, Yvonne . "How Do I Evaluate Online Information by Reading Laterally?." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2020.
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