
Evolution of International Policy and Policy Areas

Submitted by Melanie Hubbard on May 16th, 2018
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Short Description: 

In this assignment students work in groups on closely reading international policy documents, noting substantive changes in a policy area over time, and ploting those changes in the timeline tool, TimelineJS.

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Learning Outcomes: 

Students will learn how to closely read and annotate policy, how to use Timeline JS, and how to present complex information in a concise and visual format.

Individual or Group:

Course Context (e.g. how it was implemented or integrated): 

Students worked in groups of three. Video tutorials were made to teach them how to use Timeline JS and the digital scholarship librarian checked in on them periodically and made herself available when they needed help.

Additional Instructor Resources (e.g. in-class activities, worksheets, scaffolding applications, supplemental modules, further readings, etc.): 
Potential Pitfalls and Teaching Tips: 
Suggested Citation: 
Hubbard, Melanie. "Evolution of International Policy and Policy Areas." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2018.