Occupy APA: A Citation Sit-in
This lesson was co-developed by Daniel Ransom and Nicole Branch. This is an intensive APA workshop that could be broken into parts. It covers both APA citation and formatting, with a protest theme. The workshop was conducted as a stand-alone, outside of class workshop at Holy Names University in 2014 and 2015. Though Occupy is now dated, the theme of protest could be adapted to something more current. We didn't think it would be possible to make APA citation engaging, but this lesson did just that. It was especially popular with nursing and education students. We also include materials for integrating MLA.
• Get Informed: Learn common rules for APA citation style
• Identify your targets: Learn to identify the type of information source,
especially for electronic sources
• Know your rights: Learn to use the APA Manual and online sources to
look up and apply APA rules
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
Ability Level:
This was offered as a stand-alone, outside of class workshop. Students signed up to attend. It was also shortened and adapted for in-class use in a range of courses.

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