
Open Access Challenge

Submitted by Janelle Wertzberger on February 15th, 2017
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Short Description: 

This class activity is designed to help health sciences students understand challenges to accessing public health information in a variety of settings. The exercise was created for students in Prof. Dailey’s Global Health class (HS 322) at Gettysburg College in Fall 2015.

The activity, as well as notes for instructors considering using this exercise, are both shared here.

Open Access Challenge.pdfdisplayed 905 times403.8 KB
Learning Outcomes: 

Students will engage in problem-based learning to determine the cause of a described disease and find published sources that will help develop a treatment protocol. (The wrinkle is that students will not have the same access to information.)


Individual or Group:

Course Context (e.g. how it was implemented or integrated): 

This activity was designed for Health Sciences 322, Global Health, at Gettysburg College, and was first used in Fall 2015. That semester, the class enrolled 18 undergraduate students (mostly juniors and seniors) and met for a 75-minute class period.

Potential Pitfalls and Teaching Tips: 

Notes about facilitating the activity are included in the document

Suggested Citation: 
Wertzberger, Janelle. "Open Access Challenge." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2017.