
Reinforcement of Cultural Humility in Searching and Patient Communications

Submitted by Kelleen Maluski on January 20th, 2023
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Short Description: 

The sixth in a series of 6 courses, students focus on the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Plan involving prescription medications, patient history, and more complex patient cases. The librarian has already met with these students in other courses so this is and scaffolded approach with this being their last session with the librarian. The purpose of the librarian session is to make sure they feel comfortable doing advanced research on drug information pertaining to specific topics that will be communicated to patients. In a previous session the librarian covered disparities and discrimination in both search engines and scholarly databases so this is to reinforce those lessons. The session starts with a brief Kahoot quiz (with prizes for winners) and discussion of any sticking points that become clear through this quiz. This is to allow students to teach and learn from each other and to assess their needs as opposed to assuming what they might be needing reinforcement on. Then the students break out into groups to create a patient education zine on smoking cessation for members of the LGBTQ2S+ communities. The zine has to have at least 2 background sources, 1 scholarly article, and 1 drug information portal source. All sources have to be cited in correct APA format. There also has to be at least one page where the group communicates to the patients how they found this information (in otherwords their search strategy). At the end of the class there is about 20 minutes set aside for the groups to present on their zines, what information they included, and why. The librarian makes copies of the zines for all members of the class afterwards, thus helping to build intrinsic motivation for sharing with their cohorts. The librarian for this course pre-makes the zine booklets and brings all supplies for making zines (such as markers, glue sticks, scissors, paper, magazines to cut up, etc.)

Learning Outcomes: 

Reinforce concepts reviewed in previous classes while allowing students to teach each other and come away with a learning object they have built.


Individual or Group:

Course Context (e.g. how it was implemented or integrated): 

This is the 3rd in a series of scaffolded classes for pharmacy students

Potential Pitfalls and Teaching Tips: 

Will need to provide supplies and that obviously requires a budget. Also need knowledge on how to make zines. 

Suggested Citation: 
Maluski, Kelleen. "Reinforcement of Cultural Humility in Searching and Patient Communications." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2023.