Library and Information Science


This activity/assignment was designed for a first year composition course in collaboration with an English/Writing instructor. It could be used in an information literacy credit course, First Year Experience course, or in another discipline-specific context. The purpose of the lesson is to lay the foundation for students to be able to read scholarly work more effectively and critically.

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This book focuses on the elements found when designing a library instruction program: Design, Implementation, and Administration.

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Explores how reading and the writing process are as important as and critically connected to the research process. Chapter five has the greatest emphasis on information literacy.

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The resources included represent 12 data-driven assignments created by USC faculty recipients of the Provost's Data-Driven Assignment Grant Program in Spring 2015.

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The working space for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funded research project investigating data information literacy (DIL) needs of e-scientists.


Made to be an in class activity or a library resource requested by professors for courses. The first page goes with the instruction portion of a class. 'What is a primary source? What is a secondary source? What is a tertiary source?' It takes them through example types of sources, particularly concerned with history courses. The second and third pages require evaluation of a student's primary and secondary sources.

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The Accessibility Toolkit is a collaboration between BCcampus and Centre for Accessible Post-secondary Education Resources BC (CAPER-BC).

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Google Forms is a Google App that can be used to create forms and surveys to collect student data. You can add in different question types, images, videos, or links.

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Formative is an online tool that offers the opportunity to create assignments, deliver them to students, receive results, and provide individualized feedback in real-time.

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This site gamifies and enlivens quizzes. The upbeat environment allows for optional music, immediate feedback, timers, and fun memes. You can create your own quizzes or borrow and modify from an extensive bank of existing quizzes.
