Library and Information Science

Teaching Resource

LMU's homegrown multiple-choice and short answer information literacy test. The test was designed to test specific information literacy learning outcomes.

Teaching Resource

Lion's Guide to Research & the Library was developed to meet the information literacy learning outcomes associated with Loyola Marymount University's First Year Seminar course.

Teaching Resource

Rewired: Research-Writing Partnerships within the Frameworks highlights the clear connections between two important disciplinary documents—the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing (CWPA, NCTE, and NWP, 2011) and the Framework for Informa


As people rely more and more on social media to get their news, the filter bubble becomes increasingly problematic. In this workshop, students learn how to evaluate whether a news site is reliable. This group activity takes about 30 minutes and can be used for many different audiences by adjusting the examples used.

Teaching Resource

Explores issues of the theory and practice of inclusive and reflective teaching in order to broaden students' understanding of power structures within the education system and in society.


There is a large body of research on corporate ownership and control of traditional media, such as print, television, and radio. Comparatively, research about corporate control of what we see online is underdeveloped, yet search engines are often the first place students uncritically look for research as opposed to the library website, catalogs, and discovery services. Dr. Safiya Noble shows that Google image searches for black women often perpetuate and reinforce dominant narratives involving racism and misogyny.


This lesson introduces undergraduates to personal digital archiving (PDA) as an instructional bridge to research data management.

PDA is the study of how people organize, maintain, use and share personal digital information in their daily lives. PDA skills closely parallel research data management skills, with the added benefit of being directly relevant to undergraduate students, most of whom manage complex personal digital content on a daily basis.

Teaching Resource

"Common Ground at the Nexus of Information Literacy and Scholarly Communication" presents concepts, experiments, collaborations, and strategies at the crossroads of the fields of scholarly communication and information literacy.
