Library and Information Science

Teaching Resource

The Instructor’s Corner contains teaching resources (discussion prompts, activities, etc.) for instructors at CSUSB.

Teaching Resource

This interactive learning module takes students through the process of identifying the differences between primary and secondary sources. The structure of the tutorial consists of four parts.

Teaching Resource

These online, self-paced tutorials built in Articulate Storyline instruct students in academic-level research skills at point-of-need.

Teaching Resource

A website produced by library instructors at Brigham Young University for use in blended learning instruction with First-Year Writing (FYW) classes.

Teaching Resource

Interactive lesson planning tool for identifying the skills and competencies necessary for reading, writing and participating on the web.

Teaching Resource

The web is a unique terrain, substantially different from print materials. Yet, too often attempts at teaching information literacy for the web do not take into account both the web’s unique challenges and its unique affordances.

Teaching Resource

The ETD+ Toolkit is an approach to improving student and faculty research output management.


In this workshop, students learn about the driving forces behind fake news, reflect on how our opinions impact the way we evaluate information, and discuss and practice using criteria for evaluating news. The workshop includes a brief presentation on fake news and cognitive biases, reflection prompts for students to respond to, and an activity in which students work in groups to evaluate different news articles on a common topic.

Teaching Resource

Across the world, academic librarians work toward developing students’ abilities to effectively find, evaluate, use, and create information.

Teaching Resource

Maintained by the ACRL Student Learning & Information Literacy Committee, these resources will guide librarians engaged in the practice of instructional and curricular design through dyna
