
Using Comics to Reflect on Academic Work

Submitted by Dean Scheibel on June 10th, 2015
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Short Description: 

Students are asked to reflect on their experience writing a required “literature review” for the course through a first-person “comic.” The visual narrative format allows students to come to terms with their own experience of what was hard, easy, or confusing about the literature review process and express it in a creative way.

assignmentCMST 204 COMIX CRITERIA.docxdisplayed 706 times23.34 KB
Activitiesdisplayed 572 times21.91 KB
Tipsdisplayed 529 times23.8 KB
Learning Outcomes: 

To reflect on the process of writing and executing a thorough Review of the Literature on a topic within the field of Communication Studies

Individual or Group:

Assessment or Criteria for Success
(e.g. rubric, guidelines, exemplary sample paper, etc.): 
CMST 204 RUBRIC FOR COMIC REFLECTION.docxdisplayed 617 times22.18 KB
Suggested Citation: 
Scheibel, Dean. "Using Comics to Reflect on Academic Work." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2015.