Critical Reading Strategies for Dietetics Students
Short Description:
This scaffolded assignment was developed for senior Dietetic students enrolled in a research methods course. The lessons were collaboratively created via a librarian-faculty partnership.
Relevant links:
Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Evidence Analysis ManualLearning Outcomes:
In general, question development using PICO format, database searching, and evidence evaluation. More specific learning goals described in individual lesson plans materials.
HealthInformation Literacy concepts:
- Defines Information Need (ACRL 1, SCONUL 1&2, ANZIL 1)
- Finds Information (ACRL 2, SCONUL 3&4, ANZIL 2&4, ANCIL 5)
- Evaluates (ACRL 3, SCONUL 5, ANZIL 3, ANCIL 4)
- Ethics (ACRL 5, SCONUL 6, ANZIL 6, ANCIL 7)
- Authority is Constructed / Contextual (Frame 1)
- Information Creation as Process (Frame 2)
- Searching as Strategic Exploration (Frame 6)
Individual or Group:
Ability Level:
Course Context (e.g. how it was implemented or integrated):
Lessons have been implemented in-person and online, both synchronously.
Additional Instructor Resources (e.g. in-class activities, worksheets, scaffolding applications, supplemental modules, further readings, etc.):
Potential Pitfalls and Teaching Tips:
Suggested Citation:
Schubert, Carolyn. "Critical Reading Strategies for Dietetics Students." CORA (Community of Online Research Assignments), 2021.
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