Gallery Walk: What Shapes Information?
A gallery walk is a silent, interactive exercise followed by small- or whole-group discussion. You can use this exercise to introduce students to new material, to review previously-introduced material, or to assess teaching and/or learning.
Long-term outcome: Begin to develop a critical understanding of the information environment. Supporting outcomes: I can describe peer-reviewed sources in terms of both the review process and the scholarly conversation. I can identify peer review's affordances and limitations. I can reflect on whose/which voices are not represented within the community of scholars.
Information Literacy concepts:
Individual or Group:
This exercise was implemented in a first-year seminar course after the 20 students had engaged in activities and discussion about the information cycle and scholarly sources (peer review, scholarly conversation, "the literature"). It was followed by a unit on "information privilege" and finally by a group research project.
Space is key for a successful gallery walk! If your classroom is too small or if you don't have enough wall space, consider using a quiet hallway. I've found that I get better student response when I use more visual poster content. Big blocks of text create traffic jams and put unnecessary pressure on students to read and comprehend text quickly and in front of their peers.
